Dear UCA Resident,
As we are already three weeks into the new school year, I would like to make sure all of our residents have the appropriate contacts for staff members here at UCA. For all maintenance issues, UCA maintenance supervisor / manager Peter Krzinsky will be notified. Also starting this week there will be maintenance requests forms in the clear box located on the front of the UCA office. Tenants will be able to fill out the form and put it into the mail slot right next to the UCA office door and the UCA maintenance staff will assess and resolve any maintenance issues ASAP.
After 7PM, UCA residents will contact Jonathan Goold, UCA night / weekend manager, for any none urgent issues i.e. locked out of apartment, package inquiries, parking issues, etc.
For all other issues UCA residents can contact Levon Gibson, UCA manager. Please do not contact me for any maintenance issues unless it is an emergency. Contacts are posted on the front UCA office window.
Levon Gibson
UCA Management