UCA Residents,
2011-2012 Lease Renewals are due back immediately. Hope everyone had a great spring break.

UCA Management

Monday, September 20, 2010

5 College Apartment Cleaning Tips

Keeping up with chores in a college apartment can seem impossible, when you’re living a busy life. The problem is compounded when you have a roommate, who has his or her own schedule, and has problems with cleaning as much as you do. Having different personalities and preferences for cleanliness can soon make sharing an apartment miserable. Follow these tips to help you fit cleaning into your schedule, and to clean thoroughly enough to keep yourself or your roommate happy.
1 - Pick a Day for Deep Cleaning
You won’t be able to do a thorough cleaning of your college apartment every day. It’s not a wise use of your time. A better approach is to set aside one day to do the “big stuff,” such as mopping, washing counters and dusting. Saturday is a popular choice for other apartment renters, but that might be the day when you have to work, or attend events on campus. A weekday may be a better option, and if you live with a roommate, try to find a day when you both can clean together.
2 - Spot Clean Throughout the Week
A kitchen timer or a stopwatch is a great investment to make for cleaning purposes. Buy one and use for spot cleaning the apartment. Commit to 10 minutes of cleaning per room at least once a day. Don’t go over your time limit in one room, because you may not have time to go the next room, or you’ll zap all of your energy by the time you get to another room. Set the timer, and clean what you can. Begin by picking things up off the floor and putting them away, and then move on to tidying up tables, chairs, couches and beds. You may need to dedicate 10 minutes just to organize paperwork and the mail. You can divide the responsibility of cleaning room in the college apartment with a roommate.
3 - Use Disposable Products During Exams
If you’re hand-washing dishes, by choice or because you don’t have a dishwasher, then you should consider using disposable products during midterm exam week and finals. You won’t have time to clean your apartment as much as you would during other periods, and the cleanliness of a college apartment can degrade during those busy times. Rather than have dishes pile up, which can attract flies and other pests, buy paper plates, bowls, cups and plastic utensils, just to see you through those extremely busy weeks. When things return back to normal, you can store any remaining items for the next busy period.
4 - Wash Once a Week
Doing small piles of laundry every day is not economical and it’s the worse way to approach this cleaning chore. There’s much wisdom in what your great grandparents most likely did, which was to set aside one day for washing. You should too. The wash will be a full load, which saves electricity costs, and your time.
5 - Make Your Own Cleaning Solutions
Commercial household cleaners can cost too much money, and the chemicals contained in them may have a negative impact on your health. You’ll be surprised at what you can do with vinegar, baking soda, borax and washing soda. For example, you can make your own homemade window cleaning solution using vinegar and water only. There are many homemade recipes that you can find on the Internet that will produce better and healthier cleaning results.
Having a clean college apartment helps to reduce stress, which any student can benefit from. Use these tips to keep your living space fresh and clean.
-Apartment Ratings

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dear UCA Residents,
         With the new school year almost already here you will start to see some new faces around the UCA community. The UCA staff would like to welcome all the new tenants and let's make sure we introduce ourselves to one another in order to create a friendly and cooperative community.
         UCA is undergoing a lot of changes, the pool is in the process of being updated in order to be within compliance of the new  AB 1020 Federal law, and we are continuing to renovate units one by one. My maintenance staff is working diligently to make sure these renovations are completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please excuse the mess and sounds of tile cutters, hammers, and drills that may be your 10 am wake up call. We very much appreciate your cooperation and be assured that the current UCA staff is dedicated to making UCA one of the best apartment communities in Davis.
       Keep an eye out for notices concerning the UCA Fall Welcome BBQ, all residents are welcome , as well as family and friends.

UCA Management
Levon Gibson